What To Expect When Having Surgery
Preparing For Surgery
As a patient, you also play a part in ensuring your surgery is as successful as possible. Your primary responsibility is to follow instructions and advice issued by Mr Andrew Ives, as these are designed to promote your safety and wellbeing. While taking the time find a surgeon and checking their credentials dramatically increases the chances of a safe and successful surgery, the health and actions of the patient both before and after surgery are equally important. Plastic surgical procedures may seem commonplace these days but they are still significant undertakings with attendant risks and the possibility of complications so it is vital that you work with Mr Ives and his team to achieve a successful result.
General health
- Mr Ives may ask you to have some tests performed (usually blood and x-rays) or a medical assessment to ensure you are medically fit for the surgery you are considering.
- If you smoke, you will need to stop smoking with enough time to allow your body to recover prior to surgery. In general this is at least three weeks prior to surgery, and for six weeks after surgery. Smoking dramatically increases the risks of complications from your surgery.
- Some prescribed and over-the-counter medications can increase the risk of bleeding both during and after your operation, putting your safety at risk. This is why it is important to be honest and frank with Mr Ives about your medical history. For prescribed medications, you may be asked to adjust your dosage or cease taking them prior to the operation. Over-the-counter medications that must be ceased before undergoing surgery include aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements.
- In some cases, Mr Ives may require you to take a new medication leading up to your surgery.
Be informed
- Mr Ives and his team provide information to each patient regarding what they should do on the day of their surgery, the type of anaesthesia, and post-operative and follow-up care. It is important that you read all of this information thoroughly and ask questions prior to surgery if you are unsure about anything contained in the information. Mr Ives and the team want you to feel completely comfortable and confident about your treatment and are more than happy to answer your queries.
- All non surgical procedures and some minor surgical procedures can be performed at either the Melbourne or Windsor rooms. Laser treatments are currently performed solely at the Windsor rooms. Major procedures, or those requiring twilight anaesthesia or general anaesthetic, are carried out at either The Avenue Private Hospital or Day Surgery Unit, or Masada Private Hospital. Where your procedure is performed will depend on your preferences and the availability of operating time at the hospital.
- Your procedure may affect your ability to return home alone and to take care of yourself. Mr Ives will advise you if this is the case. If you are undergoing one of these procedures, you will need to arrange for someone to accompany you to and from the hospital or office and to remain with you for 24 hours after the surgery.
Selected procedures may require additional preparation prior to surgery, however, Mr Ives will advise you about this. If you unsure about any pre-operative or post-operative requirements, it is always best to contact Mr Ives and the team to confirm you are taking the correct action.